Meeting 6 Minutes (29/Oct/02)

In attendance: Sid, Ross, Jianmei, Sandra, Dave, Abhay, and Brian


Work done till Inception Stage which ended formally today

1. Initial Vision Document ready will be reviewed and finalized with the Use Case Model.

2. Initial documents for Use-Cases ready, will be reviewed and if need be edited by the authors during the week.

3.Tentaive Schedule is up and will need some minor modifications.


Work Assigned for Elaboration Stage starting today

1. Abhay, Brian will prepare sea level use cases and update the list of Use Cases.

2. Abhay (System Analyst) will prioritize the use cases and accordingly update the Vision Document.

3. Everybody agreed on the highest priority use case to be "getting a schema imported and a diagram made."

4. Sid, will come up with the roles and new list of the documents to be prepared for the coming week by Thursday.

5. Sandra will be starting the work on the SQL files needed for the importing the schema use case.


Tools related information decided

1. Developing environment decided to be Java 1.4.

2. Ross will prepare some coding standards documents.

3. Everybody will familiarize themselves with Java.


Elaboration to take tentative 1.5 months. A basic runnanble model of the dbViZ would be ready by      that duration.