dbViZ - FAQ

Table of Content


What is this project about?

This project is a class project for CS327 at UIUC. It's intention is to:

For more detail on this project please see the:
Vision Statement

What process this project uses?

This project follows RUP - Rational Unified Process.

I installed it and it gave an error "java.beans.XMLEncoder not found"

You downloaded a No-VM version of the installer and dbViZ is finding a Java 1.3 VM instead of a 1.4 VM. The easiest solution is to try downloading one of the With-JVM installers, if possible. Alternatively, if you have a 1.4 JVM, uninstall any 1.3 (or earlier) JVMs from your system. Or you can try to persuade dbViZ to find your 1.4 JVM by playing with the path and JAVA_HOME environment variable. Please tell us if you have luck with the second approach! Yet another thing you can try is to use the Java install, which will require you to run dbViZ from the command line (which allows you to ensure you run a 1.4 JVM).

Yea, this is a problem. We plan on ditching InstallAnywhere for subsequent releases.

Where can I learn about Java?

What coding standards should I follow?

Please see our: Coding Standards Document

How do I install and use CVS?

For those of you who want to know all of the joyous features of cvs, check out:

Here's a quick how to of cvs commands:

All commands of of the form:
cvs cvsCommand [-options]

you can find very very very useful help by typing
cvs --help
or cvs --help-commands (lists all commands with descriptions.

The main commands you will be using are
checkout (co for short), update, add, commit.

Here's a synopsis of the big ones:
cvs checkout [module]
Hopefully you've already used this one. Basically it gets you a local copy of all the files in a module. We've used it to checkout the module code.

cvs update -d
this updates your local copy with all of the files in the tree beneath your current positions. The -d allows you to get any new directories that have been added since your last update. If you are preparing to commit any files, you MUST update, oompile and test the code first. If you don't, I'll send Sid after all of you.

cvs add [filename]
This "adds" a file to the repository. This wont actually upload the file, but it will basically set up a space in the repository for itself.

cvs commit [filename]
This will commit any file that has been "added" to the repository. It upoads your work. MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE, RE-COMPILE, AND TEST YOUR CODE BEFORE COMMITTING!!!. Also make sure that during your commit you leave a good comment about the file you are commiting when prompted.

Sourceforge specific: to use cvs with sourceforge you need to first:
1. set CVS_RSH=ssh2
and then use the cvs commands like this:
2. cvs -z3 -d:ext:querybyexample@cvs.jdbv.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jdbv update -d

Who to contact if I have more questions?

Feel free to email any one of the memebers of the project team. The email address are listed at the  Home Page.