[22:04] <Sid> Alright, let's get started.
[22:05] <Sid> Meeting 16 Agenda
[22:05] <Sid> 1 Intro
[22:05] <Sid> 2 Next week's meeting
[22:05] <Sid> 3 Status/Tasking
[22:05] <Sid> - Ross, Sandra, Sid, Schoudel, Larry, Uday, Jim, Sobby
[22:05] <Sid> Ok... As far as the status of the project goes... We're most of the way through this iteration already.
[22:05] <Sid> Well, ok, halfway.
[22:06] <Sid> In a week, we should have a lot of things coded, and even more a few days after that.
[22:06] <Sid> And testing (not sure what we'll do with that...) will start in a week and run for 7 days
[22:07] <Sid> So the programming tasks don't have too much room to slip.
[22:08] <Sid> And as far as next week's meeting... I found out I have a trip for next Thursday
[22:08] <_Ross__> And I'm going to be in Mexico
[22:08] <Sid> I'd like to reschedule the meeting for Saturday instead, at 2p Central. How will that work with everyone?
[22:08] <udaykale> np
[22:08] <Sid> In... what, 9 days, not 2.
[22:08] <SandraFaust> ok
[22:09] <_Ross__> Barring any flight problems that'll be good with me
[22:09] <brians> shouldn't be a problem, hopefully
[22:09] <larknox> ok afaik
[22:10] <Sid> Okies. Next meeting will be Saturday, Mar22, 2p Central
[22:10] <Sid> Alright, let's run through status and tasking.
[22:11] <Sid> Should be relatively quick since tasking was light with the hw and exam
[22:11] <Sid> Ross, what did you do? =)
[22:11] <_Ross__> Big things were a bug fix, some bug reporting and reviewing the Iteration Plan
[22:11] <_Ross__> that's really it
[22:12] <Sid> Do you have things to do for the few days you're around this week?
[22:12] <_Ross__> Yeah, I'm going to be integrating Apache's Logger into our system
[22:12] <Sid> Alright
[22:12] <brians> what's logger?
[22:13] <_Ross__> Logger (or log4j) is a better way of doing things like System.out.println()
[22:13] <_Ross__> basically runtime you can edit a script with a threshold level:
[22:13] <_Ross__> ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and I think one other, you can also define your own
[22:14] <Sid> Usually you'll use DEBUG
[22:14] <_Ross__> instead of system.out.println, you do things like logger.debug("message")
[22:14] <_Ross__> then, if yuour threshold is set higher, you wont get any output to the console
[22:15] <_Ross__> I'll send a more detailed howto on out soon
[22:15] <udaykale> does it put different stuff in separate logs
[22:15] <_Ross__> it can
[22:15] <Sid> Also, for exceptions, you can do logger.error( "Something bad happened", e )
[22:15] * jrarick has joined #dbviz
[22:15] <_Ross__> you can add different "appenders" during run time to handle that
[22:15] <Sid> Particularly, might have it pop up error messages in a GUI window.
[22:15] <_Ross__> that'll be tricky, but I'm going to try it
[22:16] <Sid> Ok, Ross?
[22:16] <_Ross__> What the logger will give us is a way to switch from debugging mode to production mode with a simple change in the run script
[22:16] <_Ross__> yup done
[22:17] <_Ross__> (you should cut me off sooner, i like blabbing)
[22:17] <Sid> Sandra, how're you doing with the autolayout thingy?
[22:17] <SandraFaust> I told you I wouldn't have much time this week.
[22:17] <SandraFaust> I update the use case
[22:18] <SandraFaust> looked a bit in the algorithm, but that's it
[22:18] <Sid> I know. =) Busy week.
[22:18] <SandraFaust> yes
[22:18] <SandraFaust> you made a good point with the lines
[22:18] <Sid> I'm going to be working up a design for the lines this weekend
[22:18] <SandraFaust> so the general graph layout alg. might not work, might need to separate table layout with lines layout
[22:19] <Sid> I have a few very initial sketches of some designs; I'm trying to not make it require tables to be connected horizontally
[22:19] <Sid> Because that'll make your job and just general usage much more difficult
[22:19] <SandraFaust> ok
[22:19] <SandraFaust> yes
[22:20] <Sid> I think the main concern for the layout thingy will be to minimize line crossings and to maintain enough spacing between objects
[22:20] <SandraFaust> but the truth is, if you look at any ERD, tables are mostly laid out horizontallu
[22:20] <SandraFaust> yes
[22:20] <SandraFaust> probably the first shot would be to give the spacing
[22:20] <Sid> I haven't looked at any ERD's lately. =) I just would like it to fit on paper nicely.
[22:21] <SandraFaust> and try to make intelligent positioning so that lines don't cross too much
[22:21] <Sid> Right
[22:21] <SandraFaust> MS SQL Server does good job of auto arranging tables in the ERD
[22:22] <SandraFaust> would like to get ahold of that alg. :)
[22:22] <Sid> Hehe... Are you still on schedule to complete an implementation in a week?
[22:23] <SandraFaust> probably not, but i'll have at least something out in a week
[22:23] <Sid> Alright. We'll call it an "initial implementation"?
[22:23] <SandraFaust> yes
[22:24] * _Ross__ has quit IRC (Client exited)
[22:24] <Sid> Alright, my turn. I did a bunch of document reviews.
[22:24] <Sid> Yea, that's it. =) I'll work on the design for fancier line drawing this week.
[22:25] <Sid> The diagram needs to show which columns are involved in the lines. Right now it only shows the tables.
[22:25] <Sid> The tricky part comes when you have multiple diagrams that depend on the same columns
[22:25] <SandraFaust> yes
[22:26] <Sid> Or multiple columns in a table that are foreign keys to other tables.
[22:26] <SandraFaust> sid, that would be ideal, but if you look at the bunch of ERD software they are not doing that
[22:26] <Sid> Well, I don't like them then. =)
[22:26] <SandraFaust> :)
[22:26] * _Ross__ has joined #dbViz
[22:26] <_Ross__> sorry
[22:26] <_Ross__> got bumped
[22:27] <Sid> It'll be good for our program to do some things that the others don't.
[22:27] <SandraFaust> yes
[22:27] <Sid> Or at least demonstrate why some things shouldn't be done. ;)
[22:27] <SandraFaust> :))
[22:27] <SandraFaust> I just fear that we might find out hard way why they didn't do it
[22:28] <Sid> Eh, that's what CVS is for.
[22:28] <Sid> So we don't have to fear making changes
[22:28] <SandraFaust> i'm not concerened about CVS, more about the timing
[22:28] <SandraFaust> but you are the PM :)
[22:28] <Sid> Yea, you don't have to fear. If the program sucks it'll be my fault. =D
[22:29] * Prince has joined #dbviz
[22:29] <SandraFaust> it won't suck :)
[22:29] <Sid> So I hope to get an initial implementation done in a week. But I'm not sure since my travel plans aren't finalized yet.
[22:29] <Prince> He.. who r u???
[22:30] <Sid> Schoudel, how're you doing with the SQL Importer?
[22:30] <brians> i plan to get cranking now
[22:30] <brians> i will code this weekend
[22:30] <Prince> F..............U
[22:30] * Prince has left #dbviz
[22:31] <brians> who was that?
[22:31] <Sid> Aww, he beat me before I could boot him.
[22:31] <SandraFaust> he was paging me
[22:31] <brians> that's really all my status, just need start doing some heavy duting coding
[22:32] <Sid> Do you have to do very much coding to integrate the Apache SQL importer thing in?
[22:32] <brians> it seems a little involved i should have something checked in and working by next meeting
[22:32] <Sid> Howabout within 7 days?
[22:33] <brians> ok
[22:33] <Sid> Since the next meeting's delayed
[22:33] <Sid> As an aside, who all used JUnit for their HW3?
[22:33] <udaykale> me
[22:33] <larknox> We did
[22:33] <brians> i learned it and used it
[22:33] <brians> will come in handy
[22:34] <Sid> Ok, good. Forced us to learn how to use the thing. =)
[22:34] <brians> fairly easy to use
[22:34] <Sid> Please follow the convention of making JUnit test class names end with "Test"
[22:35] <Sid> Because we'll be changing our build script to be able to compile deliverable packages without those files.
[22:35] <larknox> I couldn't run it with netbeans, but it worked fine on its own.
[22:35] <Sid> Yea, JUnit is pretty strong on its own already
[22:36] <Sid> Schoudel, have you looked at the Big Board?
[22:36] <brians> what's the Big Board?
[22:36] <Sid> Look now: http://jdbv.sourceforge.net/BigBoard.html
[22:36] <udaykale> there is a link to it from the project homepage
[22:36] <udaykale> also
[22:36] <Sid> Or that. =)
[22:38] <brians> where did that come from?
[22:38] <Sid> You might want to read some of the text on the Meeting 15 log... The stuff not including the Status/Tasking
[22:38] <Sid> It came from me. Its my scheduling helper.
[22:39] <Sid> My monologue at the beginning of the last meeting covered a lot of important material that you should review.
[22:39] <brians> ok
[22:39] <Sid> Larry, how're you?
[22:40] <larknox> Fine - Sorry, someone just sametimed me from the office.
[22:41] <Sid> =)
[22:41] <Sid> Did you send a copy of the Install sequence to the webmasters?
[22:42] <larknox> I'll send the Revised use case to them after this meeting - should teh install be seperate or combined?
[22:43] <Sid> Mmm, make the separate. One's a normal Use Case Spec, the other's a special document.
[22:43] <larknox> one doc or 2?
[22:43] <larknox> ok
[22:43] <larknox> you said you had an idea for a code change - simple or complex ? to make installer work
[22:44] <Sid> Yes, I added it as a bug.
[22:44] <Sid> Ross, what was the latest status of it, do you remember?
[22:44] <_Ross__> not really
[22:44] <_Ross__> ]you want me to go check?
[22:44] <Sid> I'm checking now. =)
[22:45] <_Ross__> oh! not done yet
[22:45] <_Ross__> I'll fix that this weekend
[22:45] <Sid> Ok, I just wanted to check if we had discussed the fix for it.
[22:45] <_Ross__> I know how to fix it
[22:45] <larknox> ok, then I'll try installing again.
[22:45] <_Ross__> I'm going to load it in as a resource
[22:45] <Sid> Well, after the fix is in there, Larry. =)
[22:45] <_Ross__> as opposed to a file
[22:45] <_Ross__> I'll email ya larry
[22:46] <larknox> That's what I meant
[22:46] <larknox> thanks, that 'll be good
[22:46] <Sid> Larry, I also have you tentatively scheduled to start working on one of the starter use cases.
[22:46] <larknox> ok, good
[22:46] <Sid> Since you've gotten the tough part done, getting the installation thing is a low priority.
[22:47] <larknox> Alright - it doesn't take much to build one though.
[22:47] <larknox> an exe.
[22:47] <Sid> Well, the tough part was the research.
[22:47] <Sid> Now we mostly just have to follow directions and test.
[22:48] <udaykale> did you want to us both to work on the same usecase...
[22:48] <Sid> I have Larry on for the New Diagram use case.
[22:48] <Sid> *looks at the big board* Hmm...
[22:48] <Sid> No. =) It doesn't need two people.
[22:49] <udaykale> ok, i'll take up the close diagram thing then...
[22:49] <Sid> Well, let's finish up with Larry first then we'll get to you Uday. =)
[22:49] <udaykale> ok
[22:49] <udaykale> sorry
[22:50] <Sid> np.
[22:50] <Sid> Larry, do you think you can figure out the Use Case Specification for creating a new diagram?
[22:51] <Sid> It's very simple: On the menu, click "File" then "New Diagram..."
[22:51] <larknox> ok
[22:52] <Sid> I can't imagine that the Use Case Spec would require a whole week of work. Learning how to integrate it into dbViZ will take more time.
[22:52] <larknox> Then it blanks the Diagram area to prepare for a new diagram?
[22:53] <Sid> When you run it, notice that the name "Unnamed diagram 0" is in a tab.
[22:53] <Sid> When we have multiple diagrams, we'll add tabs.
[22:53] <larknox> A
[22:53] <larknox> ah
[22:53] <Sid> Multiple diagrams for the same schema.
[22:53] <larknox> oh I see
[22:53] <Sid> And can't make new diagrams without a schema loaded.
[22:54] <Sid> In a week, can you try to have a Use Case Spec and look at the dbViZ design to try to figure out how you might implement it?
[22:55] <larknox> So it asks where to get the schema?
[22:55] <Sid> When I wrote a lot of the classes, I kept in mind we'd want to have multiple diagrams, but just didn't write ALL the code to support it.
[22:55] <larknox> Yes I can do that.
[22:55] <Sid> I think the option is greyed-out when no schema is loaded.
[22:56] <larknox> ok - sort of a failing test to make work :)
[22:56] <Sid> Yep. =)
[22:56] <Sid> Email me if you have questions
[22:57] <larknox> Will do
[22:57] <Sid> Uday, you were tasked with the Oracle importer. How's that doing?
[22:57] <udaykale> i had some problem running dbviz after installing oracle
[22:57] <Sid> Bleh
[22:57] <udaykale> that was because it made us to use the 1.3 java.exe
[22:58] * _Ross__ has quit IRC (Client exited)
[22:58] <Sid> You can have multiple JVM's installed on your system.
[22:58] <udaykale> anyways, i think i will have it figured out this sat
[22:58] <udaykale> ya, but the 'java.exe' that it used wasnt able to get the swing classes
[22:58] <udaykale> anyways, thats done now...
[22:58] <brians> move 1.4 ahead in the path
[22:59] <udaykale> ya, done...
[22:59] <Sid> Actually, just make sure you use the usersetup.bat
[22:59] <Sid> That should setup your path if Ross did it right. =)
[22:59] <Sid> I can say that since he's not here now.
[23:00] * _Ross__ has joined #dbviz
[23:00] <_Ross__> blah1
[23:00] <udaykale> no, we add our stuff to the end in path
[23:00] <Sid> Ross, change setup.bat so the Java that's set up is in the front of the path please.
[23:00] <_Ross__> will do
[23:01] <udaykale> wow, great, that was a 'bug'...
[23:01] <Sid> Uday, you're scheduled to have the implementation and use case spec done by Sunday. Can you still have both done by then?
[23:01] <udaykale> sure, definitely...
[23:01] <udaykale> will need some help integrating...
[23:02] <Sid> Ok, we'll discuss it offline.
[23:02] <udaykale> sure, no problem
[23:02] <udaykale> other than that, i didnt have any updates
[23:02] <Sid> *nods*
[23:02] <udaykale> well, there is the Master Test Plan doc on the webpag
[23:02] <_Ross__> done
[23:03] <_Ross__> (path fix)
[23:03] <udaykale> that only sandra has permissions to change
[23:03] <Sid> =)
[23:03] <SandraFaust> yes?
[23:03] <udaykale> sandra, would you fix its permissions
[23:03] <SandraFaust> i'll fix that now
[23:03] <udaykale> ok, np
[23:03] <Sid> We have a revision of that that'll need to get up there sometime.
[23:04] <Sid> Though I think I need to review it to check its practicality for our project.
[23:04] <SandraFaust> which document?
[23:04] <Sid> Master Test Plan.
[23:04] <SandraFaust> it has group write permissions
[23:04] <SandraFaust> 664
[23:05] <udaykale> for group 'users'
[23:05] <udaykale> or 'jdbv'
[23:05] <SandraFaust> checking
[23:06] <Sid> Eew... We're giving everyone write permission to our directory?
[23:07] <Sid> Anyway, Jim, what's up?
[23:07] <jrarick> Hi guys
[23:07] <jrarick> I had a heck of a time importing our project into netbeans
[23:07] <jrarick> It imported okay, but setting up the file structure took a lot of time
[23:07] <jrarick> I did not know how the libraries were set up
[23:07] <Sid> Could you remind me why we want to use Netbeans again? =)
[23:08] <jrarick> Well, I wanted to use it for ease of test writing
[23:08] <jrarick> It has built-in junit
[23:08] <jrarick> and it automatically makes the correct test code names and tests all functions
[23:08] <Sid> As long as the tests it outputs doesn't require everyone to have Netbeans installed.
[23:09] <jrarick> They will be classes like anything else
[23:09] <jrarick> They can be run in JUnit outside of netbeans
[23:09] <jrarick> I think it is probably good for everyone to have netbeans
[23:09] <jrarick> Everything seems much easier
[23:09] <jrarick> including editing
[23:09] <Sid> So did you achieve "ease of test writing" for HW3 using Netbeans?
[23:10] <jrarick> No
[23:10] <jrarick> Because I could not import it until late Tuesday night
[23:10] <jrarick> could not figure it out
[23:10] <jrarick> spent a week doing it
[23:10] <jrarick> now it is easy...of course now that I know how
[23:11] <jrarick> learning the basics of an IDE in a week wasn't so bad actually
[23:11] <Sid> How large is the download?
[23:11] <jrarick> I think 35Mb
[23:11] <Sid> Not quite as bad as Forte...
[23:12] <jrarick> I will send you an updated file to show how to set it up
[23:12] <jrarick> the first one did not have the directories right
[23:12] <jrarick> they call it file systems
[23:12] <Sid> Alright, I'll bite. Scheduled for Mar20 are several tests.
[23:12] <jrarick> Yep.
[23:13] <jrarick> I like it because I can easily debug, do metrics, write tests for all functions in a class
[23:13] <Sid> I do question how well it'l do tests since our app is primarily GUI based.
[23:13] <jrarick> It is a good IDE
[23:13] <Sid> And Netbeans doesn't do GUI testing, right?
[23:13] <jrarick> That is right.
[23:13] <jrarick> Most gui testing cannot be done this way
[23:14] <jrarick> We can only test our schema classes
[23:14] <jrarick> or other functions
[23:14] <jrarick> GUI will have to be done manually
[23:14] <Sid> And I think we've all written good test code for the schema stuff...
[23:14] <Sid> So mainly we need test cases for the GUI functionality.
[23:14] <udaykale> u bet
[23:14] <jrarick> Okay
[23:15] <Sid> That all has to be done manually...
[23:15] <jrarick> According to the papers, that is true
[23:16] <Sid> Well, Sobby claims to have access to a very expensive program that can do it.
[23:16] <Sid> But he's currently illustrating the reason I didn't like his plan.
[23:17] <jrarick> I don't like a program only one person has
[23:17] <udaykale> I might have it too at work - it was the Rational Robot, right...
[23:17] <Sid> Jim, continue to work on tests. I'll get back to you this weekend after I've mulled the testing situation more.
[23:17] <jrarick> OK
[23:18] <Sid> Alright, anyone have any questions?
[23:18] <udaykale> tasking for me for next week?
[23:19] <Sid> Uday, we have a big use case: Save/Load Diagram.
[23:19] <Sid> Well, big if it's done well. =)
[23:19] <Sid> I'd give you the Close Diagram one but it sorta depnds on the New Diagram one.
[23:19] <udaykale> ok, i can try - but, will that be after new diagram..
[23:20] <Sid> No, that's when you get the Oracle Importer done.
[23:20] <Sid> Putting you on the New Diagram task was a typogoof
[23:20] <udaykale> i mean, does it depend upon new diagram
[23:20] <Sid> Consider what classes will need to be "saved" and "loaded"--pretty much the Diagram object and everything inside.
[23:20] <Sid> No.
[23:20] <udaykale> ok...
[23:21] <Sid> I hardcoded it to automatically create a new diagram when a schema is imported.
[23:21] <Sid> So you can always save and load a diagram.
[23:21] <Sid> At the easy-but-bad side of doing it is to use Java Serialization.
[23:21] <Sid> At the tough-but-quality side is using a standard format like XML
[23:22] <udaykale> and i am sure you have some pointers to the XML stuff...
[23:22] <Sid> Yea. I'll send you
[23:23] <Sid> Ok, anything else anyone?
[23:23] <Sid> I'll take that as a 'no'.
[23:23] <Sid> We're done then. Meeting Adjourned!
[23:23] <Sid> Thanks for your time, everyone