Session Start: Mon Apr 21 20:55:00 2003
Session Ident: #dbviz
[20:55] * Now talking in #dbviz
[20:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Sid
[20:55] <Sid> Hey
[20:55] * larknox has joined #dbviz
[20:56] <larknox> Hello
[20:56] <Sid> Hi Larry
[20:57] <Sid> Larry, what did you do this week?
[20:57] <brians> hey
[20:57] * Ross has joined #dbviz
[20:57] <Ross> hello!
[20:58] * jrarick has joined #dbviz
[20:59] <larknox> I'm still working onthe Create Diagram dialog box. Did you see the screenshot?
[20:59] <Sid> No.
[20:59] <Sid> Ok, the new UIUC web page is totally worthless. Where the hell can I find the academic calendar?
[20:59] <Sid> In other words, when does the semester end?
[20:59] * Ross has left #dbviz (Client exiting)
[21:00] <larknox> I sent it in email about 45 minutes ago.
[21:00] * Ross has joined #dbviz
[21:00] <Sid> Looking now, Larry
[21:00] <brians>
[21:01] <larknox> Syllabus says final review May 6 and final May 14
[21:01] <Sid> Larry, it's a good enough start. The create diagram and import window should be combined into one, so nothing's appearing "on top" of each other
[21:02] * udaykale has joined #dbviz
[21:02] <larknox> Right, if you choose import schema that window's contents should replace what's in this one, yes?
[21:03] <Sid> Yes.
[21:03] <udaykale> hey guys
[21:03] <Sid> Hey Uday
[21:03] <brians> hey
[21:03] <larknox> Hi
[21:03] <jrarick> Hi Uday
[21:03] <Sid> Larry, how much work do you still have for the new diagram stuff?
[21:04] <larknox> 2 days.
[21:04] <Sid> Hehe, ok.
[21:04] <Sid> Make sure you get the latest code, everyone who's developing.
[21:04] <larknox> Escluding importing a schema from another diagram.
[21:04] <larknox> Excluding
[21:05] <Sid> Right. That won't be a difficult thing to implement, but it can also wait.
[21:05] <larknox> I donloaded last on the 18th
[21:05] <Sid> Make it a habit to do a cvs upload before every editing session you have.
[21:05] <larknox> update?
[21:05] <Sid> err, yea. update. =)
[21:05] <larknox> k
[21:05] <udaykale> is there a way to diff between 2 versions of a file in cvs
[21:06] <Sid> That goes for everyone! =)
[21:06] <Sid> Yes. If you want to diff between yours and the one in the repository, just do "cvs diff <filename>"
[21:06] <Ross> cvs diff
[21:06] <udaykale> and between 2 versions in cvs
[21:06] <Sid> If you want to diff between 2 versions in the repository, do cvs diff -r <rev1> -r <rev2> <filename>
[21:07] <udaykale> is there a way to see the diff graphically ;)
[21:07] <Ross> err...
[21:07] <Sid> You can set it up to do the diff sidebyside, which is sorta close
[21:07] <Sid> type cvs --help diff for all the options.
[21:07] <Sid> I forget how to switch your diff tool.
[21:07] <jrarick> Is there any gui thing we could use?
[21:07] <udaykale> ok
[21:07] <Ross> or just type cvs diff and it'll prompt you
[21:08] <Sid> You could use emacs cvs diff, or wincvs, tho we will not help you if you can't figure it out.
[21:09] <Sid> Ok. Keep working on it, Larry. Tell me when you get done and we'll do the code review.
[21:10] <larknox> OK. Should I send you a copy before checing it in?
[21:10] <Sid> Just make sure you do some testing on it to make sure it works.
[21:10] <Sid> And then check it in.
[21:10] <Sid> Let's get started "officially".
[21:10] <larknox> OK, will do.
[21:10] <Sid> Agenda:
[21:11] <Sid> Same as usual. 1 Intro. 2 Status/Tasking
[21:11] <Sid> 1 Intro. We're about half way through the Construction 3 iteration.
[21:12] <Sid> Scratch that.
[21:12] <Sid> We're supposed to be doing testing now. we're 3 weeks in to the iteration.
[21:12] <udaykale> ooooh
[21:12] <Sid> Though I'm thinking we can extend the iteration another week and end transition during exam week.
[21:13] <Sid> I figure transition will be relatively light loading for most team members.
[21:13] <Sid> So everyone who has programming tasks... The stuff needs to get done by the next meeting if possible.
[21:14] <Sid> Any questions before we get into status/tasking?
[21:14] <Sid> Ok. 2 Status/Tasking.
[21:15] <udaykale> can we do mine first...
[21:15] <Sid> Umm, ok. =)
[21:15] <udaykale> i didnt send out the status mail - sorry
[21:15] <Sid> A lot didn't, including me, so it's ok. =)
[21:15] <Sid> This'll just be a longer meeting... =/
[21:16] <udaykale> well, i figured out that we would need some writeObject() interface for schema/* objects
[21:16] <Sid> Howabout persistence delegates with instantiate and initialize?
[21:16] <udaykale> but there is something reg PersistenceDelegate
[21:16] <udaykale> that is to be looked at
[21:17] <Sid> I actually started writing the PersistenceDelegate for Diagram. It's not too difficult.
[21:17] <Sid> You said you already have the gui part for save/load coded?
[21:17] <udaykale> ya
[21:17] <Sid> Is it in a compilable state?
[21:17] <udaykale> yup
[21:18] <udaykale> there are stubs for saveDiagram() and loadDiagram(0
[21:18] <udaykale> which need impl
[21:18] <Sid> Ok. Could you check it in? Be careful to make sure the checked in stuff all works.
[21:18] <Sid> Messy with integration...
[21:18] <udaykale> ok, could i do it tomorrow
[21:19] <Sid> Yes. But not later.
[21:19] <udaykale> ok
[21:19] <Sid> Can you figure out how to use PD's and implement them for the Schema stuff within a few days?
[21:20] <Sid> Say, by Friday?
[21:20] <udaykale> sure, can you send me your basic PD usage for Diagram
[21:20] <Sid> Yea.
[21:21] <Sid> Ok, next. Schoudel?
[21:21] <udaykale> ok, could i be excused...
[21:21] <Sid> Ok
[21:21] <brians> still working on the mousewheel stuff
[21:21] <Sid> Later
[21:21] <udaykale> bye guys
[21:22] <brians> see ya
[21:22] * udaykale has quit IRC (Quit: )
[21:22] <Sid> You get the ctrl- hotkeys working?
[21:22] <brians> no not yet
[21:22] <brians> i started with the harder stuff first
[21:22] <brians> how do i get the curr diagram from JDBVWindow?
[21:23] <Sid> Ther'es a method called getCurrentDiagram
[21:23] <Ross> jdbv.getCurrentDiagram
[21:23] <brians> so i get jdbv from jdbvwindow then curr diag?
[21:23] <Sid> You should be given jdbv in almost any class.
[21:24] <Sid> And you can always get it by using JDBV.getInstance()
[21:24] <Sid> Or you can repeat the cde in getCurrentDiagram which reads:
[21:24] <Sid> MAIN_WINDOW.getDiagramPane().getCurrentDiagram();
[21:24] <brians> ok that'll work
[21:24] <Sid> How much farther you have to go?
[21:25] <brians> it shouldn't take too long, i have the basic struct except cvs sucks on my mach
[21:25] <brians> actually it just started updating, nevermind
[21:25] <brians> it should have all of this stuff by next meeting
[21:26] <Sid> Ok. Tell me when you finish it please.
[21:26] <brians> ok
[21:27] <Sid> Jim, 'sup?
[21:27] <jrarick> Hi Sid
[21:27] <jrarick> Got your email
[21:27] <jrarick> I realize that it is an interface parameter
[21:27] <jrarick> and I did not take it out
[21:27] <jrarick> Basically I revised the metrics sheet
[21:28] <jrarick> I did a comparison with our last version of software
[21:28] <jrarick> and I tried to clean up the tramps, but most already were
[21:28] <Sid> This weekend I started moving some of the code out of JDBV and JDBVWindow. A start, but not too much done yet.
[21:29] <Sid> Ok. Hopefully your reports over time show an improvement in the metrics... =)
[21:29] <jrarick> Actually, the opposite
[21:29] <jrarick> But I am working to get that changed
[21:29] <Sid> That sucks
[21:29] <jrarick> The WMC is much worse
[21:29] <Sid> Yea, we're adding functionality.
[21:30] <jrarick> Yeah, mainly Sandra's stuff looks really complex
[21:30] <jrarick> I think I should work with her to refactor if we can
[21:30] <jrarick> But the tramps is much better
[21:30] <Sid> Well, I think it's a complex algorithm.
[21:30] <jrarick> Yeah, regarding tramps, I can get rid of them all but there is one synta
[21:30] <jrarick> syntax I do not understand
[21:31] <jrarick> I could work offline with you or someone
[21:31] <Sid> That sounds good. After the meeting a little?
[21:31] <jrarick> Ok
[21:32] <Sid> This week, work with Sandra with refactoring her algorithm into multiple classes.
[21:32] <jrarick> I think a timeline of our changes will look good
[21:32] <jrarick> Ok
[21:32] <Sid> Thought you said things were getting worse.
[21:32] <jrarick> Well, it is an iterative process
[21:32] <jrarick> More functionality adds complexity, but we will clean it up
[21:32] <jrarick> The next report should show improvement
[21:32] <Sid> Hehe, and we're not used to using these metrics thingies.
[21:33] <jrarick> At some point we should lock the code though
[21:33] <Sid> End of this iteration.
[21:33] <jrarick> got it
[21:34] <Sid> Then it's only open for critical bug fixes and tasks for transition.
[21:34] <Sid> Ross, keep working on that silly bug with the undo not positioning tables right.
[21:35] <Ross> you got it. I have the basic functionality down
[21:35] <Ross> rest could be done tomorrow
[21:35] <Ross> *crosses fingers*
[21:35] <Sid> Hehe
[21:35] <Ross> all that is left is doing the connections
[21:36] <Ross> basic functionality was checked in about 2 hours ago
[21:36] <Sid> Ok, good
[21:37] <Sid> This weekend I added sorta buggy multiple-diagram support.
[21:37] <Sid> So you can repeatedly import schemas and end up with many diagrams.
[21:38] <Sid> And I'm also working on the Save/Load Diagram stuff with Uday
[21:38] <Sid> Hmm, guess we're about done... Any questions?
[21:39] <Sid> Hmph, I say "this'll be a short meeting" and it ends up long. Then I say it'll be a long meeting and it's short.
[21:39] <Sid> Ok. We're done. Meeting adjourned. =)
[21:39] <Sid> Thanks for coming everyone