Meeting 9 - Chat Session

[_Ross] aight lets do this.
[SandraFaust] ok
[SandraFaust] when is the project due exactly?
[_Ross] Unfortunately sid can't join us tonight
[jiamei] i sent e-mail to TA, he said before finial
[SandraFaust] ok
[_Ross] so that means we are done after this weekend basically
[SandraFaust] do we know anything about persentation? how do we do that?
[_Ross] no clue
[brians] send him the link??
[_Ross] First thing to start of the meeting:
[soniaka] but has somebody checked the criteria for evaluation on wiki?
[SandraFaust] ok, sorry for poluting
[_Ross] There's been an odd miscomunication between the terms load and import
[_Ross] these are two totally seperate processes
[_Ross] importing is converting some sort of datasouce (be it a file or a database) into our internal representation of a schema
[_Ross] Loading on the other hand is the flip side of saving (more use cases!)
[_Ross] In theory, and not this semester, Saving/Loading should 
[_Ross] contain information about the schema in question, and the diagrams the user has created
[abhaysathe] that's what I thought, so the case 'load saved schema'
[_Ross] does not involve the import stuff
[abhaysathe] no
[abhaysathe] like 'reload picture'
[brians] import file schema
[_Ross] Is that cool with everyone?
[SandraFaust] that's what I thought too
[abhaysathe] import file/db is abstracted, right ?
[jiamei] yes
[SandraFaust] but then I couldn't find Use Case with import from SQL
[soniaka] does that mean tht the stuff on import tht has been done is wrong ......i mean the use cases etc
[abhaysathe] so connect to db covers both sql and db
[_Ross] no no
[brians] just change the wording from load saved schema to import file
[abhaysathe] whay not?
[_Ross] sql will never need to have a db involved
[jiamei] i have a e-mai lfrom sid talk about import and load, I cAN forward to you all
[SandraFaust] yes, the names should be changed
[_Ross] please do jiamei
[abhaysathe] (arguing) whaydo we need separate load from file ? It is abstracted out.. 
[_Ross] true.
[_Ross] here's the deal:
[SandraFaust] it is independent thing though
[_Ross] we should have the import use case take us as an abstract use case
[_Ross] ie. user selects import.
[_Ross] user selects options
[_Ross] shazam we have a schema
[_Ross] the use case for import sql would be more like:
[_Ross] user picks file location
[_Ross] user selects ok
[_Ross] parsing starts
[_Ross] shazam!
[_Ross] sound good?  
[abhaysathe] (still arguing) so load saved db describes loading a picture. we can scratch that usecase if we want...
[_Ross] (by the way I know those were horrible, I was just trying to type quickly)
[jiamei] i sent it out
[_Ross] We shouldn't call it load saved db, we should call it load session or load schema 
[_Ross] let's all go read sids comments
[abhaysathe] no problem there
[brians] i say get schema out of there as it adds confusion
[_Ross] damn...not here yet
[Dave_] Ross,
[_Ross] just "load" works for me too
[Dave_] Does shazam! go in a popup box?
[Dave_] :)
[_Ross] :)
[SandraFaust] webmail is getting slow..
[abhaysathe] I can add audio.. :)
[brians] lets get down to business!
[_Ross] This actually brings up my next comment which is that we need to do what we were supposed to do this past week
[_Ross] not to pick on anyone, but that use case model really needs to get updated ASAP
[brians] i did it, just need to add it to web
[_Ross] good
[_Ross] please get it up tonight after the meeting.  It will help with everyone elses work
[_Ross] abhay, you ok with the load v import stuff?
[brians] first thing in the morning, its at work
[_Ross] or should the trouts start flying?
[abhaysathe] yes, just sent out a mail to you on it..
[_Ross] sounds good brian
[_Ross] If I'm totally wrong forgive me.  I blindly charge ahead with my ideas
[abhaysathe] good for a fearless leader..
[_Ross] aight........ now lets start going through the all mighty sid's list
[_Ross] Sid's point 1 is probably the most important thing
[_Ross] most of our documents should be at least at version 1.1 by the end of the projects
[_Ross] also, thanks to sid and Daves hard work, we can actually show that the documents were reviewed
[brians] i'll create a new section for that on the web
[_Ross] and hopefully we can show that the changes were incorporated
[_Ross] I think there are acutally some updated docs floating around that haven't gotten posted yet too
[abhaysathe] there is history on usecases to show that
[brians] and change my use cases I wrote
[SandraFaust] yes, there are, should be posted tomorrow night
[abhaysathe] I added vision and one usecase today
[_Ross] If you notice that you've done a doc and it hasn't been posted pester.  Nothing's worse than getting points deducted for stuff you did but didn't show
[_Ross] awesome abhay
[_Ross] awsome sandra
[_Ross] awesome ross
[_Ross] ...sorry I like myself too
[soniaka] http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/SEcourse/Criteria+for+Grading+CS327+Projects ........just to make sure have people seen this...
[Dave_] Is that criteria for just this semester?
[brians] the point i noticed was roles, i'll add that table to the main page
[Dave_] The TA almost seems to indicate we need a working project.
[_Ross] basically I'm planning (and if the rest of you could too....) on going through that and making sure we fulfill it's requirements
[soniaka] by people = our team ........an ya its for this semester
[_Ross] hopefully by getting an awesome grade on this I can fail the final :)
[brians] me too
[_Ross] yes he does.  that
[jiamei] extra award forthis project?
[SandraFaust] :)) it should help to fix the bad grade on HW3 ;)
[_Ross] s another point for later in this meeting
[_Ross] OK, got an assignment comming up:
[_Ross] around wednessday, someone needs to combine all of the reviews from hw3 about our project into a short informal paper
[jiamei] we can do this
[_Ross] we can post that as a "to do" for next semester
[_Ross] all your jiamei
[jiamei] which wednesday?
[_Ross] All this has got to be done by friday midnight
[jiamei] next right?
[_Ross] this wednessday
[jiamei] ok
[Dave_] But docs complete by this friday
[_Ross] we only have one week left till the project is done
[_Ross] yup
[SandraFaust] ross, the test plan, I'll put something together
[brians] i can send you Sonia and I's document Jianmei
[_Ross] crazy aint it!
[Dave_] Sandra I can do the test plan if you want.
[soniaka] very i have 3 exams next week 
[SandraFaust] yikes, not fun
[_Ross] jianmei, make sure that you have 4 docs by thursday, and hound people if you don't 
[_Ross] so who's doin the test plan?
[jiamei] everyone in this group please help me on this
[_Ross] yup
[Dave_] I'll do the test plan
[_Ross] aight.. writin you down
[abhaysathe] I'll send in some ideas, to.
[Dave_] sounds good.
[_Ross] dave again increadable job reviewin all the docs
[SandraFaust] I'll do the review of the test plan, and we'll have at least 1.1 version
[_Ross] that should give everyone some more help when updating their docs
[Dave_] I still have about four reviews left.  I'll get them out tonight or tomorrow.
[abhaysathe] I signed up for adding two sequence diagrams
[_Ross] nice nice
[_Ross] Next thing sid said was about the web page, you guys saw that right?
[Dave_] Do we want a common header for all our word docs?
[SandraFaust] yes
[brians] yes
[brians] CS327 dBVis project?
[Dave_] dbViZ you mean? :)
[jiamei] dbViZ
[brians] whatever the he#$ it is
[_Ross] also, did everyone read sid's simple tasking for this week?
[abhaysathe] DataBase Visualizer might explain it better
[brians] bullet 7
[brians] thats a lot of words though Abhay
[abhaysathe] true
[Dave_] It's not the project name though.
[brians] you don't get much room up there
[SandraFaust] it's not?
[Dave_] dbViZ
[abhaysathe] dbViZ then
[_Ross] hold on I'm flipping a coin.....
[_Ross] dbViZ!!! wins it!
[SandraFaust] LOL
[abhaysathe] show me both sides .. :)
[brians] just dbViZ or CS327 dbViZ 
[_Ross] sonia can you handle the software arch revision?
[_Ross] and for abhay: (dbViz)  and tails (dbViz)
[soniaka] ya....i did some work on whatever sid had sent ...if u have had a look at it 
[jiamei] ross or sid do you have hw2 original diagram?
[_Ross] for what?
[brians] sid's not here
[_Ross] the use cases?
[jiamei] diagram in arc doc
[jiamei] i know sid is not here;)
[_Ross] our original is no longer good
[soniaka] the diagram seems messy....and the part abt the use case realization......i am really lost on that .......
[_Ross] ok... I'll take a look at it
[_Ross] ohh you meant class diagrams.. gotcha
[jiamei] yes, 
[abhaysathe] class diagrams should be 1.1, too
[jiamei] for GUI part
[_Ross] yup.  Back to Rose I go....sniffle....
[Dave_] Now its IBM Rose...
[_Ross] All important question:  Does anyone here know java, sql and have time this week
[abhaysathe] do RUP is IUP ? :)
[SandraFaust] did IBM bought Rational?
[brians] yes
[jiamei] i heard that
[abhaysathe] 2.1Bn $
[_Ross] brian, do you htink you could write up the sql importer?
[SandraFaust] Oh now IUP make sense, I thought it was Irrational Unified Process ;)
[_Ross] If you can let me give you a call afterwards and I tell you what we're hoping for
[brians] i could get started
[brians] has it been started yet?
[jiamei] i haven't
[SandraFaust] if that's the case, I'll take all the webstuff and Brain, you focus on code
[_Ross] err.... is that a no?  By the end of the weekend, we need something that can actually give us a scema
[_Ross] I don't care if we need to use simple sql, but we really need it
[brians] ok
[_Ross] you can do?
[brians] i can try with some advice
[_Ross] (and post the new use case model? :))
[brians] know java somewhat, expert in sql
[SandraFaust] there is the design doc for it
[brians] what's the name of that sandra?
[_Ross] have you ever wrote a parser?
[brians] i've parsed with unix shell
[_Ross] do you know perl?
[brians] need guidance for java parsing
[brians] don't know perl
[SandraFaust] http://jdbv.sourceforge.net/ElaborationDocs/SQLImportUseCaseSpec.doc
[SandraFaust] and http://jdbv.sourceforge.net/ElaborationDocs/SQLGrammarSpec.txt
[_Ross] allright.  I'll give you a call afterwards and we'll discuss
[abhaysathe] ross, can you do some code to add tables from a fake schema to the GUI ? - that'll make us look good..
[_Ross] that leave me with the yummy swingy gui...
[brians] ok 217-359-3632
[_Ross] that's what I'm planning 
[abhaysathe] thanks
[_Ross] allright does everyone know what they're doing this crazy busy week ?
[Dave_] Yup.
[jiamei] anything else? yes
[SandraFaust] yes
[soniaka] me is software arch right ?
[_Ross] Everyone should try to update ther docs!  even if it is slightly
[abhaysathe] all use cases, code for selecting importer
[_Ross] yes sonia
[SandraFaust] chrismas decorating ;)
[_Ross] e-mail me some specific use cases
[jiamei] i will look at it too sonia
[Dave_] Reviews to HTML for posting, and test doc
[soniaka] ok 
[_Ross] cool thans jianmei
[_Ross] was that a "no" from anyone?
[_Ross] and does anyone have any questions?
[SandraFaust] I'll try to make sense what all the files need to be posted, around Wednesday night, go to the site and make sure everything is there
[SandraFaust] if not yell at me
[Dave_] Do the roles we have assigned make sense?
[abhaysathe] oh, i'll also add that long overdue usecase prioritization
[abhaysathe] YESS
[_Ross] hahah!
[brians] probably not dave
[Dave_] That is was everyone able to do their RUP roles?
[SandraFaust] yes, sure, as long as my speakers are off ;)
[SandraFaust] I am really not sure what I ended up being
[_Ross] hmm...honestly I'm bad deputy manager on this one... I'm not sure either
[Dave_] I was thinking we may want to tweek our role table to make sure everyone did their roles.
[brians] we'll post then accept feedback
[Dave_] k
[SandraFaust] yes
[_Ross] Definately.  you can have more than one role, but send sandra the updates
[SandraFaust] send the suggestions for others too, not just yourself
[_Ross] aight if nothing else.....
[brians] ross, you have my number?
[Dave_] Same bad time and place next week?
[SandraFaust] all ready...
[soniaka] hey a moment 
[_Ross] hu[ hup what's up sonia
[soniaka] for hwk3 we need to submit the material of other people and what we reviewed ?? 
[_Ross] he same bat chanel and all, but you'll be hearing more assignments as the week goes on
[_Ross] yes, send it over to hiamei
[jiamei]  please
[jiamei] review report due on this friday not this wednday right, ross?
[_Ross] yup
[jiamei] i mean our project
[_Ross] everything due friday
[jiamei] good
[abhaysathe] ross, you sending our review to jianmei?
[_Ross] sure
[abhaysathe] thx
[_Ross] wait... first I have to get it from our peoples
[_Ross] since we reviewed theirs
[abhaysathe] we send them theirs, then the'll send back
[abhaysathe] think so ? :)
[jiamei] everyone please sent either you or your other pair's review on our project to me as before this thursday if possible. Thanks
[_Ross] sounds good
[brians] i thought we turn in their comments of our project
[brians] we are recorder for our project
[soniaka] there is some confusion on kw3 submission
[_Ross] everyone's doing it different
[brians] sonai, ours is done
[soniaka] i think we submit what we reviewed .......
[soniaka] shh the website language seems cryptic !!
[SandraFaust] from what I gathered we are supposed to write report on our project, but if you did the other way around you won't be punished
[jiamei] if you do our project,  please send yours; ..
[_Ross] just choose one and run with it
[brians] no, we submit what was reviewed for our project, we are the recorders
[brians] i agree with sandra
[jiamei] if other pair do our project, please ask them to send it to use
[_Ross] The TA postings were cryptic
[jiamei] to us
[_Ross] They basically said that we could do whatever
[Dave_] From the class discussion the TAs were as confused as anyone else.
[jiamei] true
[soniaka] ok..thats fine then 
[jiamei] the assignment itself isn't so clear either
[abhaysathe] never review your own work
[Dave_] What! I always review my work and its always great!  :)
[SandraFaust] :))
[abhaysathe] you wont be sarcastic enough :)
[Dave_] is that everything?
[jiamei] yes
[SandraFaust] yes
[brians] i'm closing out
[abhaysathe] me ok too.