Meeting 2 Minutes (14/Oct/02)
Sid, Jianmei, Ross, David, Sandra,
The meeting got off to a rough start,
with many having trouble connecting to DalNet.
- Process Finalization (RUP) - We decided we'll go with RUP, because
doing XP with non-local people was considered too risky.
- Roles - Role picking was a bit too chaotic, so we decided to hold
the free-for-all over the Wiki. Generally, however, most will be System
Analysts, because of the number of documents that need to be completed by the
end of Inception. It was also decided that Sid will list on the Wiki the
documents that need to be completed. Team members will choose one (or more)
documents to write. Most of the documents simply have to be reformatted into
the RUP standard templates.
Sid will make the list available
by Wednesday, Oct16. Members will have until Oct 23 (the following Wednesday)
to complete the documents. This will allow time for reviewing the documents
before the end of the phase.
Ross will be a System
Architect, and Sandra a System Architecture Reviewer.
- Inception milestone date - Because roles will not be chosen for a
couple more days, and because of the midterm, the end of Inception is set for
Monday, Oct 28.
- File Formats - Text document formats will be MS Word or HTML. An
informal poll of the attendees indicated that this posed no problem. The
diagram (image) formats will be GIF (preferred for diagrams), JPG or PNG;
although the original format should be retained for future edits.
- Sharing HW2 - Having access to the other members' HW2 documents
will help with completing the documentation tasks. Therefore, on or before
Wednesday, Sid will post instructions on the Wiki on where HW2 files will be
stored. All HW2s should be placed at this location so they can be shared
amongst the members.
- Better IRC - Jianmei volunteered to find us a new IRC server for
our next meeting.